Shutterbug Strasse

Re: >>>I'll stick with my P67<<< , Well:

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It didn't convince me to trade off my old used Hassy 500 C/M either. The autofocus seemed real fast, infact he thought it had the fastest of the autofacus in medium format cameras.
Actully I do studio work and I don't even trust my eyes well enough to use the focusing screen on the camera as it is. I always use a tape measure. But his situation is different.
The funny thing is the last time I talked with him he was complaining that it had a 'glitch' in it and was going to talk with the Hassy rep. who was going to be at the store that weekend.
Then he goes on a tirade on who bad digital cameras are. Funny though, at the same time he had a NEW Canon EOS 10D SLR digital around his neck. I'm beginning to wonder about him. He must be doing really well with weddings.

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