Shutterbug Strasse

Re: It Would Be Nice If We Kept This Asylum Strictly Photo:

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OK, I'll be good. I normaly hang out over on the Vintage Forum, but drop into the photo section occasionally. In the uture I'll keep my political views to myself on this Forum. But I could not resist setting the record straight as to under whose administration the recession started. I don't want a repeat of the "Hoover Depression". Herbert wasn't much good at fixing it, but he didn't start it.

I am hoping Nikon sees the light and gets the sensor size up to full frame 35 mm like Canon has done on their new model. And then gets the price down under $1000. Then I can share lenses between the FE-2, the N80, and the D???. Now if Nikon (once the leader in flash technology) can get that issue sorted out for the digitals....

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