Shutterbug Strasse


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The color films permit much less "forced developing" then B/W. There are many reasons why (architecture and R&E of color film, filtration of pH and concentration of the developing ingredients by the topmost levels, misbalance of reaching density and contrast by the different film levels, some dynamic process of the film development and many-many others) mostly people use the color film "as is". Whatever conversation we had was about b/w film. Yes, if a person knows what he is doing (obviously it is not you) then the majorities of b/w film's characteristic are irrelevant and could be used in the way as a person intend to.

If you so desperately wiling to refer everyone to the thread you are reefing then do not forget to mention that you, as a person who moderate this forum, deleted from that thread two posts that clearly indicated the you are a complete moron.

So, repost the deleted posts or fuck off.
Romy The Cat

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