Shutterbug Strasse

Re: Reality...

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*** Painting exists in a totally self-manufactured world like fiction writing. To me, non-fiction is far stranger than fiction because there are real events that become stranger than fiction.

You have to take under consideration that you are dealing with a guy who consider Gabriel Garcia Marquez if very non-fictional writer. Go figure….

*** I find the world itself far more interesting and bizarre than anything I've seen painted. Therefore, I love photography because I can find those small moments in space and time where everything comes together, including serendipidous events, to make "reality" unreal. I truly love examining the visual flotsam and jetsam created by humans. Telephone poles, train tracks, jet trails, roads, fences...any and all of the "visual interruptions" so unnaturally placed - can't get enough.

Ones, when I was young and clean, I was in love and did a wonderful collection of very fine works about the girl. I took that collection so seriously that I temporary stopped notice the girl with all ner needs. So, where it the Reality and where is fiction when you're talking about the sick male brain?

*** Self-limitation by self definition. Photography can be whatever you want it to be. Real, unreal, surreal, abstract,'s up to you - hell, paint ON the photograph if you like painting.

Sounds to me like the Army's propaganda. :-)

*** You have to use and control the tools & processes in any art form to create the image you want - that's the challenge. If you feel process-limited, then don't blame the art form, look at yourself. If you still feel you are limited, then change your mode of expression through something you are more in tune with - but, don't blame the medium.

I always looked at myself and as any normal egotistic Cat I’m not looking for the opportunities or methods but for the benefits. I would like to remind you that the “process-limited status” could be applied to a coordinate system of the demands. Perhaps this is why you never have seen in the bookstores a book with a title “World Creating for Dummies”.

*** Picasso started as a spectacular realistic painter. After seeing his first photograph he declared that painting was dead - and then went on to expand and explore new methods of expression in painting for the rest of his life - partially spurred on by the photographic challenge to painting's ability to minutely render reality. In the '70's and 80's, photo-realistic painting appeared to challenge photography again...and the circle was complete.

…and pay attention that all Picasso’s works are eventually b/w even if he used colors.

*** Finally, I really don't think of photography as "art." It's really more of a sport.

I have detected it. The world divided by pursuing spirit and the billable hours. As a “billable hour’s sport” photography is dead. As a “process for process” photography is as interesting as any other masturbativ actively.

Romy the Cat

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