Shutterbug Strasse

No Top ? Oh N-E-V-E-R -- M-I-N-D......that's a horse of a different color

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This is my double exposure shot I call - Wooden Maiden.

BTW i'm a tube lover!!!!!! Looking at your site I now understand.

Also these kinds of discussions deserve to be explored on a high level, I believe to upgrade all photogs here. That's how one learns to do better, at their own rate. I also give inexpensive tips to achieve pro like results. Like how to make a quick LiteBox out of a styrofoam ice cooler. Check below futher down this forum.

I still would like to see you use a rim accent light to add a white glow around your fine subject matter.....he he he . To separate between all that black. Used in a Long narrow 3' softbox perhaps. It gives that final Pro photog look.

Having her raise her head a little was good, but I still notice too much pressure of her face leaning on her wrist. Just pose her softly on her hand a bit, next time out.

Also what about hiding at least one elbow ( unsightly things on people) with her long hair hanging in front?

I'd like to thank you for the Nik pluggin tips. I've heard of them but don't use them. Where would I find them?

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