Shutterbug Strasse


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I keep an old Hasselblad 500C/M for the purpose of photographing my paintings for reproduction purposes and it supposedly should give the most exact detail possible.
This may disturb some of you photo purists out there, BUT: I have just photographed a painting with my new Olympus Camedia C-8080 Wide Zoom that has already been photographed with the Hassy under the same lighting conditions. The result was enlarged to the same picture size as the Hassy photo. I couldn't believe it, but the Olympus digital Camedia C-8080 is showing more detail then the Hassy.
Hmmmm....if this should continue then that would mean my Hasselblad will be obsolete for it intended purpose.
Sacrilege??????? Are old Hasselblads now a dinasour??? Are old film cameras really on the way out????

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