Shutterbug Strasse

Re: Photoshop

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Hi there Rod---well Photoshop can supply almost any solution for digital manipulation of scanned material--most of my usage relates to finished prints for display,or to CD for print media from 35mm and 120mm transparencies.

When the scanned item opens in P/S,after sizing/correct resolution setting etc,mytools of preference--usually in this order would be:
Color bal
All on adjustment layers of course --so I can rectify or eliminate if necessary separately.
You only use the Unsharp mask as the final move,(don't overdo it!)and only after flattening the finished image.
Understanding all of P/S is a bit like translating the Koran into Swahili--so patience is an absolute must!
To fully get a handle on the system,I can suggest getting Classroom in a Book from Adobe,and the Photoshop Bible by Deke McClelland.
Just practice,practice,practise!!


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