Shutterbug Strasse

Re: critique

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Compositionally, it's a pretty strong statement. You have a strong movement of the heavy concrete curb and rail from left to right. I think that the bridge structure draws your eye back from right to left and into the distance. The starkness of the different gray tones and blacks help give it the strong industrial force, -which is part of it's statement. Also part of it's appeal is that it's not cluttered with irrelivant objects that could create a distraction and weaken that statement. Not a pretty picture, but a picture showing strenght of concrete and steel, black and white. Makes one feel un-comfortable, -which is what makes it a strong statement.
(This is an example where black and white photos can have a stronger impact then color)

As an aside, too bad you have a G-2. Looks like your going to have to trade if off for the new G-5. Oh well, you can never keep up with these guys. Makes me want to buy the new Lieca D-Lux and just forget all the frenzied up-grading with new models every few months.

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